Monday, August 27, 2012

Aqua Intensity

I NEED some exercise, for all reasons there are for it. I hate sweating and gyms but I also realize that pretty people do it regularly. I started an "aqua intensity" class at the local rec center and LOVE it. The older classmates are sooo funny and even worse than kids when it comes to paying attention. Imagine the bunch of us trying to get a water noodle between our legs. The water is 9 feet deep and the noodles insist on floating. My girlfriend who is gracious enough to go to class with me just laughed today.....last week she had no noodle control. This week it was me and it was nuts. Friday, I will make that noodle my b****!!!

After an hour of laughing and doing boot camp in the water, getting out is not cool. I felt like I weighed 300lbs and I was jellified. I made it home and had my favorite zucchini salad for lunch. You HAVE to try this recipe I found on Pinterest....try it with mint or basil. I prefer fresh basil:

I also made a homemade body scrub today that I'll try in the morning. It's another Pinterest find that I made my own:

I used vanilla extract and orange zest. My little Cupcake and I decided it was almost to tasty not to eat but I stuck it in the shower for tomorrow morning anyway. I shall smell like a cookie!

The first day

Blogging has been on my mind again. I used to do it but became too busy with small girls and life as I know it. Funny enough it was four years ago that I gave it a try and here were again at that time of insanity. Election season...'nuff said about that.

I'm a stay at home mom of two. Two girls. Yeeeah, pink and purple are always the color of the day. Emotions are always high and we haven't reached the double digits yet. My family consists of four and a frog named Pilot. Three out of four of us have food and seasonal allergies/  intolerances. One of us just prefers not to eat bread, pasta or anything with hooves. I spend most of my time in the kitchen attempting concoctions I've found on blogs and Pinterest. I enjoy having girlfriends over because I can keep busy in the kitchen and still chat. Sometimes tequila or wine might be involved.

I'm here to share what I love, what I don't and maybe help someone along the way..... Wish me luck!